

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
What a coincidence. Recently I had a request for slides from an orchestra
that wanted have images projected on a screen during the performance of this
piece, so here is what I found
(no slides, by the way=21 :-) )
An illustrated book:  Russ, Michael.  Musorgsky: Pictures and an Exhibition.
Cambridge (England)=3B Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Someone also directed me to this website, =22Russisches Musikarchiv=22. Have=
look at it=3B it's great.-
On the sidebar, click on =22Auszug: Mussorgskis Bilder einer Ausstellung=22
If you can read German, you will find a lot of useful information about the
artist, the composer and their works. The text explains that Mussorgsky's
music was freely inspired by the pictures, of which only a few are still
extant and are depicted on this site.  If you can't read German, enjoy the
pictures=21 :-).  They are:
-Costume design for =22Trilby=22
-2 single drawings of Polish Jews, one rich, one poor
-Drawing of Hartmann in the catacombs of Paris
-The Clock / Hut of Baba-Jaga
-The Great Gate of Kiev

I hope this helps. Good luck=21
Hildegard Lindschinger
Slide Curator
Wilfrid Laurier University Library, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5
Telephone: (519)884-0710, x3444   Fax:519-884-8023

Ese Markussen wrote:

=3E ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
=3E ------------------
=3E Hello
=3E We are looking for colour illustrations of the works of the Russian
=3E architect and painter Victor Hartmann that in 1874 inspired Mussorgsky
=3E to compose his =22Pictures at an exhibition=22. Can anybody help?
=3E Best regards
=3E =C5se Markussen
=3E Universitetsbibliotekar (Academic librarian)
=3E Biblioteket (The Library)
=3E Kunsth=F8gskolen i Oslo. Statens kunstakademi
=3E (KHIO. The National Academy of Fine Art)
=3E St. Olavsgate 32
=3E 0166 Oslo (Norway)
=3E Tel: 47-22995547
=3E Fax: 47-22995533
