

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The National Gallery of Australia Research Library has just installed a
Reference Query Form on the NGA  web-site.   I would appreciate any comments
or suggestions for improvement.
Select RESEARCH on the bottom bar
Select REFERENCE QUERY FORM from the list of options.

Those of you who have our site book-marked may have to refresh some pages:

Select RESEARCH on the bottom bar


Select  REFERENCE SERVICE from the list of options


Go back to the RESEARCH page and select REFERENCE QUERY FORM from the list
of options.

J. Margaret Shaw
Chief Librarian
National Gallery of Australia
Research Library
GPO Box 1150
Canberra  ACT  2601

Telephone: 61-(0)2 6240 6532
Facsimile:  61-(0)2 6273 2155
E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
url:   [under Research]

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect those of the National Gallery of Australia