

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I was very glad to see this post. I have just been designated the art
coordinator for our library, a midsized state university library. We
currently have a few faculty art works in the building and I will be
soliciting more shortly. We also exhibit some african sculpture for which
the museum on campus has no room (to exhibit or store). We exhibit these
materials on museums pedestals. We also may be receiving the art that
survived the Murrah building bombing (on loan) ( we are in the Oklahoma City
area). Although that is not solid yet. We also hope to start a traditional
gallery space within the library for both educational and art exhibits. Some
money has been identified for the purchase of exhibit walls, and the art
department on campus has agreed to loan us some materials until they can be
purchased. My question to the list is with so many things to do to get
started on this project where do I begin? Has anyone done this from the
ground up before? If someone could share their exhibit policies for a
similar institution I would be very appreciative. Are traditional museum
quality portable exhibit walls worth the expense? We are also looking into
having our carpentry service on campus build some. What is a realistic
yearly budget to run a gallery within a library. We would like to be able to
provide printed invitiations to show openings, postage, perhaps food, as
well as honorariums to speakers. I would also like to have the library
sponsor an annual purchase award for the spring student art show. We would
then keep the work. Am I dreaming or are there any similar success stories
out there? respond to the list or personnally. I would be happy to summerize
if there is interest. thanks in advance.

Gwen Dobbs
Reference/Instruction Librarian
Chambers Library
University of Central Oklahoma
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> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> We recently accepted a collection of faculty art work in the Library.
> (It's great to have art in the Library!)  Now we are in the process of
> drafting a mandate for this collection.  I would very much appreciate
> any examples of mandates for art collections from other libraries not
> affiliated with art galleries/museums.  Thanks.
> Marilyn
> --
> Marilyn Nasserden
> Fine Arts, Music, and Environmental Design Librarian
> University of Calgary Library
> Phone: (403) 220-3795
> Office: MLT 918
> E-mail: [log in to unmask]