

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear ARLIS-L people:

My "ooopps" message referred to an earlier message I meant to send to the
list, but sent to Kathryn Wayne by mistake.  Herewith, the original message:

Seems slightly unprofessional to use the list for personal
aggrandizement--especially when the object of all the excitement is "only"
one's spouse.  But, what the hell, I am awfully proud of him and Kathryn
Wayne is such a dear; when she says she wants to do something, you just have
to let her.

As I told her, when you have a nomination, these Hollywood events can be
extremely nerve-racking.  But Beny was more relaxed this year than he was in
1997 and, consequently, so was I.  At least I was after I managed to pull
together an outfit to wear.  Even though nobody (certainly not the media
people) is interested in non-celebrities--unless you have the body of a
17-year-old and are showing most of it--you still have to walk up that red
carpet with zillions of fans screaming at the celebs in front and in back of
you, and you don't want to look too shabby.  My dress was pretty nice, but,
no, no, no, it was definitely not a designer number.  In fact, it was "off
the rack" from Macy's.  Kathryn's idea to bring it along to Philadelphia
[sic], however, is a good one.  Will do.

Thanks for all the good wishes and indulgence in this temporary insanity.

Joan Benedetti