

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Witt Library has a small file on this artist - so small
in fact it includes only one work - Funerailles
Merovingiennes - a cutting from a Sotheby New York sale
28th Feb 1990 lot 232 - where it is described as signed and
dated Anvers 1899 oil on canvas 118 1/2 x 78 1/2 inches - (
a BIG picture !) offered in catalogue at estimated US
$30,000 -40,000. Could this be the same picture that you
are being offered ? - The illustration is in colour. If you
cannot trace the catalogue I could post you a colour
photocopy of the entry - I would need your full postal
address. Hope this helps,
Cathie Gordon.

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 15:52:08 EDT Library <[log in to unmask]>

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I'm looking for information on a painter named Louis Vandiervort (may be spell
> Vandievort).  Benezit listed a Louis Vandiervort that was born in Anvers in
> 1875; any other information would be greatly appreciated.  One of his painting
> Funerailles Merovigniennes, is going to be donated to the New York Academy of
> Art, and we are looking for info. on the artist and painting.
> Thanks very much in advance.
> [log in to unmask]

Dr.Catherine Gordon
Deputy Witt Librarian
Courtauld Institute of Art
Somerset House
London, WC2R 0RN
tel (UK)(0)207-848-2770
fax (UK)(0)207-848-2772