

----------------------------Original message----------------------------


If you can track down the following book

   TITLE :The perception of visual information / William R. Hendee,
             Peter N.T. Wells, editors
   EDITION :2nd ed.
   PUBLISHER :New York : Springer, c1997.
   DESCRIPTION :xviii, 409 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

you may get some ideas.  There is talk in it about visual field
scanning and information processing.  Though personally, I think any
study that attempts to answer this question is doomed to fail.  It
would just be too difficult to operationalize all the constructs,
many of which depend on individualistic factors.

There's my 2 cents.


----------------------------Original message------------------\
I can recall, but not locate, survey reports which comment on how
long the average art museum visitor spends in front of a painting in
an exhibition.  Can anyone with a better memory than mine help?

Any studies on how long it takes to look at a whole picture would also
be of interest.

Many thanks


J. Margaret Shaw
Chief Librarian
National Gallery of Australia
Research Library
GPO Box 1150
Canberra  ACT  2601

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