

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Has anyone come up with a really satisfactory solution to the problem of
auction sale bid lists which are published on the web rather than being
circulated?    We find that it takes a considerable amount of extra time
to locate and print the lists c.f. filing the paper version.

Was anyone aware of any market research done before this change was

It seems to me that we are paying the same amount [quite a considerable
amount of money] for a reduced service which demands considerable extra
staff time at our end.

One possible answer for those who do not necessarily need the results
immediately, would be for them to be loaded in a way which would make
batching of downloading possible, instead of the present need to go in
and download each list individually.

Alternatively, lists could be e-mailed to subscribers at the same time
as they are loaded on the web.

No-one seems to have had much luck so far but maybe a joint approach to
Christies would have some effect.

Ideas anyone?


J. Margaret Shaw
Chief Librarian
National Gallery of Australia Research Library
GPO Box 1150
Canberra ACT 2601

Telephone: 61-(0)2-6240 6532
Fax:            61-(0)2-6273 2155

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