----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ------------------ Hello, =21 We are happy to make the following list of duplicate titles available to other libraries. Art in America, no. 2 (February) 1983 =22 =22 no. 3 (March) 1983 Art Journal vol. 52 (1993) no. 3 Cimaise no. 240-241 (April-Mai-Juin) 1996 Cimaise no. 242 (Juillet-Aout) 1996 Flash art no. 131 (December 1986/January 1987) Please respond to me directly with any requests. Best regards, =C5se Markussen Academic librarian KHIO. Avd. Statens kunstakademi, biblioteket St. Olavsgate 32 0166 OSLO (Norge) Tel: 47-22 99 55 47 / Fax: 47-22 99 55 33 ase.markussen=40khio.no http://www.statkunst.no/ska/biblio-n.html