----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ***** 3 Day U. Wisconsin CE Course: Document Imaging Updated Handouts- , Spring 1999 ***** For those persons who cannot attend the class, most of the class materials are available free at http://www.ArchiveBuilders.com/ABpapers.html ===> (The Internet, digital document file sizes, and Microsoft product strategies materials are newly updated.) Digital Imaging and Electronic Document Management: 3 day Continuing Education class at the University of Wisconsin, Madison Campus, Pyle Center Dates: Thursday June 10 to Saturday June 12, 1999 Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 PM Fee: $375 CEUs: 2.4 CEUs. Registration deadline: May 24. This course is for records managers, librarians, and archivists who have been assigned to specify, install, or manage a document imaging system, but who are non-technical professionals. Document imaging is the process of taking documents out of file cabinets and off shelves and storing them in a computer. In this three-day course you will gain an understanding of how document imaging can be used and managed in both large- and small-scale organizations. You will learn about: The technology of scanning, importing, transmitting, storing, protecting, locating, retrieving, viewing, printing, and preserving documents for document imaging systems and digital libraries. Image and document formats, multimedia, rich text, GIS (Geographic Information Systems), CAD (Computer Aided Design), and image enabled databases. System design issues in hardware, software, ergonomics, and workflow. Emerging technologies such as the DVD Digital Video Disc and very high speed Internet, Intranet, and extranet links and protocols. The implications of Windows 98 and Windows 2000 for system design. Several system designs will be done based on system requirements provided by participants. You are encouraged to bring the requirements for your planned document imaging system to the class. Course instructor: Steve Gilheany has taught classes on digital imaging at UCLA and Kansas State University to librarians, legal records managers, imaging users and managers, and various industry groups. He has worked in digital document management and document imaging for eighteen years. His experience in the application of document management and imaging in industry includes aerospace, banking, manufacturing, archives, non-profit development, education, government, utilities, legal and medical records management. He has an MLS Specialization in Information Science and an MBA with a concentration in Computer and Information Systems from UCLA, and a BA in Computer Science from UW-Madison. His industry certifications include the CDIA (Certified Document Imaging System Architect) and CRM (Certified Records Manager). He is a Sr. Systems Engineer at Archive Builders. [log in to unmask] +1 (310) 937-7000, Fax: +1 (310) 937-7001. Overnight accommodations: on/next to campus: about $50 per night. Prices subject to change without notice. For more information contact Jane Pearlmutter, Outreach Program Manager, +1 (608) 262-6398. To request a full brochure with course descriptions and registration form, email [log in to unmask] with your name and mailing address.