

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Roberta & others,

This issue came up when we were working on the San Antonio conference.  We
found that we'd need to get permission from each speaker/discussant/and
maybe even those in the audience to do this and that (at least at the ASK
ARLIS Sessions) it might be a deterent to frank discussions about
institutional "challenges" and other concerns.  We realized that we should
have started exploring this issue alot earlier in the session planning
process if we wanted to record a session (so that it would be something the
speakers were ready for and thought of as they worked on their
presentations), especially if the tapes were to be made available for sale
(as opposed to just an aid to the recorder).  With a person as recorder,
participants can always ask to have their comments kept off the record...

I hope this message does not sound too paranoid!  It's just a reflection of
some of the issues we encountered when considering using tape (or video)


Janine Henri

   >----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I have often wondered about the problem
>of recorders at ARLIS conferences. It is
>quite out of date for a human being to
>record the presentations verbatim when
>tape recorders do it more easily and
>efficiently? Why dont we just use tape
>recorders and sell the tapes to members
>who cant attend a session and want to
>hear what was presented and to members
>who want to attend several sessions
>presented at the same time, etc, etc, etc,
>It would be a good way to make some
>money for ARLIS/NA?
>I am sure someone must have worried
>about this question before I have raised
>my electronic hand. What is the history on
>this musing?
>Roberta Geier
>National Gallery of Art
>Washington DC 20565

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