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Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=10061, phase=CONNECT, target= The server is probably not started. ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Dear Jim: When I wrote to you a few minutes ago, I had checked out all the web sites I mentioned except the one for the Smithsonian. I have just done that and thought I should share my experience with you (and others on the List). Although the SI site is great, a more direct link to museum professional information is at their Center for Museum Studies site which is This site carries the following recommendation: "This web page has been rated among the top 5% of all sites on the Internet." I believe it; it includes very abundant links to relevant sites for all the various museum specializations--including art. There is also a "Museum Studies Database," which indexes AAM conference sessions, among other things. And some of the hyperlinks listed under Museum Professional Online Resources will surely prove fruitful for your search concerning art collection policies. Joan Benedetti