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----------------------------Original message----------------------------

We are three graduate students in the art librarianship seminar taught by
B. J. Irvine at Indiana University.  We are investigating the topic of
artists' books collections.  The following survey is to determine what
methods art libraries use for acquiring, cataloging, storing, preserving,
and providing access to artists' books.  Please take a moment to answer
the following questions.


1. Name of library:  _______________________________________

2. What is the approximate size of your artists' books collection?


3. How do you store them?  In what way is this similar to or different
   from your regular collection?
        Please check all that apply:
        ____    open stacks
        ____    special collection (closed stacks, no public access)
        ____    other. Please describe:

4. What are your circulation policies for artists' books?
        ____    in-house use only
        ____    regular circulation
        ____    other.  Please describe:

5. Are any special measures taken for the preservation of your
   artists' books collection?
        ____    yes
        ____    no
   If yes, please describe:

6. Are circulation statistics available for the use of your artists' books
        ____    yes
        ____    no
        ____    other.  Please describe:

7. How do you most commonly acquire artists' books?
        Please check all that apply:
        ____    purchase from individual artist(s)
        ____    purchase from specialized distributor(s) or book store(s)
        ____    purchase from general art book distributor(s) or book store(s)
        ____    other.  Please describe:

8. What approximate percentage of the total collection development budget
   is spent annually on artists' books? __________________________
   If possible please provide approximate amount spent annually on
   artists' books:________________________

9. Do you have a maximum price you are willing to pay for an individual
   artist's book?
        ____    Yes
        ____    No
   If yes, how much? _________________

10. What selection criteria to you most often use for artists' books?
    Please check all that apply:
        ____    personal preference
        ____    cost
        ____    estimated future market value
        ____    word of mouth
        ____    faculty recommendation
        ____    review sources
        ____    artist's reputation
        ____    artist's affiliation with your institution
        ____    other.  Please describe:

11. Do you include any digital "artists' books" in your collection?
        ____    Yes
        ____    No
    If yes, approximately how many are in your collection?  __________
    What format are they? (Please check all that apply.)
        ____    CD-ROM
        ____    web links from library's home page
        ____    other.  Please describe:

12. Are selection and acquisition processes for a digital "artist's book"
    different from those for a "physical" artist's book?
        ____  yes
        ____  no
    If yes, please describe:___________________________________________

13. What methods are used to promote the use of your artists' books
    Check all that apply:
    ____  Lectures
    ____  Workshops
    ____  exhibitions
    ____  acquisition of students' work

14. Do you catalog your artists' books according to AACR2/LCSH standards?
        ____    Yes
        ____    No
    If no, please briefly describe your cataloging method:

Additional comments:

Would you prefer your responses kept confidential?    __  yes    __  no
Would you like a copy of the results e-mailed to you?    __  yes    __  no

If yes, please provide your e-mail address:_________________________

Thank you very much in advance for your time and thoughtful contributions
to our research.

Andrea Chemero
Caroline Seigel
Terrie Wilson


Terrie Wilson
Reference/Technical Associate
Fine Arts Library
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN  47405