

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Colleagues:

The Society will hold its 1999 Membership Meeting on Monday, March 29, 1999
at the Hotel Vancouver from 1pm. to 3pm. to be followed in the same room by
Members High Tea.

As in years past, the meeting will feature reports on the Society's
activities during the months since our last annual conference in
Philadelphia.  The newly-elected members of the Executive Board will begin
their terms of office at the meeting.

If you have any announcements or items to be added to the agenda, you may
send them to me via email, fax, regular mail, or call me at the number
provided below. Thank you !

Mary Graham
President, ARLIS/NA

Mary Graham             520/621-4695
Head, Library Division  520/621-2976  FAX
Arizona State Museum    [log in to unmask]
University of Arizona
Tucson,  AZ  85721-0026