


Thought I'd send this to the list for other's reference. The Getty
Foundation is already creating such a project, ULAN - Union List of Artist
Names,  inclusive of artists from any era.

It still has gaps, but is highly useful for VRA/ARLIS professionals.

I'm finding that current artists are still a real problem, especially
Australian contemporary artists. A very helpful Australian company called
Discovery Media has been creating a database called AVAD, Australian Visual
Artists Database ( not updated since 1995) and also NATSIVAD, National
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Visual Artists Database, a new
project representing some 5,500 artists -  a commercial venture.


>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Dear ARLIS/NA Members,
>I need your help!  The IFLA Art Section is doing a feasibility study of
>surveying database, ephemera files, and other sources of information on
>artists born after 1950. The idea is to create an on-line worldwide
>directory to these sources of information, many of which do not exist in
>catalogs or indexes.
>We are including the following categories of artists:
>Artists working in specific media within the visual arts (sculptors,
>portrait painters, water colourists)
>Fashion designers
>Graphic designers, illustrators
>Other (please specify)
>The three questions I need your help on are:
>1.  Does this seem to be a worthwhile/useful project?
>2.  How many such resources/collections in the US should be included?  (If
>you are Canadian, please answer for Canada and specify in reply.)
>3.  List the top resources in your country (not more than 10).  Please
>include Organization Name, Address, Email, Fax, Phone, URL, Contact name,
>Type of organization.
>I need your answers by July 30th.
>Please reply directly to:  [log in to unmask]
>Jeannette Dixon
>Librarian and Electronic Communications Director
>Hirsch Library
>MFA, Houston

Jennifer Brasher
Librarian (Slide Collection Supervisor/ Art Reference)        EMAIL:
[log in to unmask]
                                        PHONE:  INTERNATIONAL 61 7 3875 3130
                                                AUSTRALIA  07 3875 3130
                                        FAX:    3875 3133
Queensland College of Art Library   *
Information Services                  *
Griffith University               *  *
Morningside QLD 4170                  *``
AUSTRALIA                              `````
These comments are made in a private capacity and are not necessarily the
official view of the Griffith University Library or Griffith University