

RLG has proposed a workshop for the 1999 ARLIS/NA conference, and
the Conference Planning Committee has tentatively approved it contingent
upon the level of interest in the ARLIS membership.  The idea for the
workshop grew out of a very popular session from last year's conference:
"Collection Level Records:  Archivists and Librarians Share Solutions".  The
workshop would also complement a proposed session for next year's conference:
"When Collection Level Records are not enough".  This workshop, Finding Aids SGML
Training (FAST), developed by RLG and the University of California at Berkeley,
has been given more than 12 times throughout North American, the UK, and Australia.

The workshop would cover the application of the EAD (Encoded Archival
Description), and the SGML DTD (Standard Generalized Markup Language
Document Type Definition) for archival finding aids.  The use of
electronically accessible and encoded finding aids in conjunction with
collection level records offers an alternative to the item level cataloging
of certain type of materials, ranging from ephemera to photo and other
image/graphic archives.

After taking the workshop, participants will understand the EAD structure,
know how to apply EAD elements and attributes and be able to make informed
decisions regarding software, Web publishing tools, and institutional
implementation of the EAD.  The workshop is geared toward supervisors who
will manage implementation of EAD as well as staff who will be marking up
finding aids.  Trainees must have basic computer skills, e.g., know how to
use a mouse and how to cut and paste text.

This is a two-day hands-on workshop that will be held post-conference.
If you are interested (no commitment implied), please respond to me no
later than August 10, 1998.  The conference program will be finalized
during the month of August, so we need to know if enough people are
likely to attend.

Thanks in advance!

Lorna Corbetta-Noyes/RLG
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