

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Art & Design members:

Well, I _tried_ to create a distribution list of A&D members, but many of the
e-mail addresses I took from the ARLIS/NA Handbook came back to me as
undeliverable (for example, all the RISD addresses, which I know are correct,
came back to me).  As a result of the messages that did go through and the
replies I've already received, I've decided to definitely offer a little tour
of the University of the Arts Library on Sunday, March 8, at 6:00pm.

If you already replied, you needn't reply again.  If you're not an A&D member,
you're certainly welcome to come along.  I'll meet everyone in the hotel lobby
at 6:00pm and we'll walk the one block down to the UArts Library.  The tour
shouldn't last more than one hour.

This is not on the conference program; it's an informal activity that the A&D
Division tries to do every year.

We're looking forward to seeing you all!

Sara J. MacDonald, Reference Librarian
Albert M. Greenfield Library, The University of the Arts
320 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19102  USA
Voice: (215) 875-1016  Fax: (215) 875-2296
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