

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Because there has been a lot of interest in the Visual Resources Software
Users Discussion Group (Roundtable VI, Friday, 3/6), and we want to
accommodate as many people as possible, we have split this roundtable into
two sections.  Roundtable VIa will run from 11:00am to 12:30pm and
Roundtable VIb will follow at 12:45pm to 2:15pm.

Sections a & b will be run in the same format and will cover the same
issues.  Each will start with a few brief presentations, followed by
general discussion.  After that each will break up into software specific
discussion groups.  Because the sections will be identical, people can
attend one or the other; please do not try to attend both because you may
keep others from being able to attend at all.  Each section also will
talk about ways that we could better facilitate such discussions in the

Trudy Jacoby, the moderator of this roundtable, needs a volunteer in each
section to take notes on the discussion.  If you know which section you
will be attending and you are willing to take notes, please let Trudy
know.  You can email her at [log in to unmask]

JEANETTE C. MILLS               School of Art
                                University of Washington
Director of Visual Services     Box 353440
                                Seattle, WA  98195-3440
Vice President,                 email:  [log in to unmask]
  Visual Resources Association  voice:  (206) 543-0649
                                fax:    (206) 685-1657

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."
Jorge Luis Borges