

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
As liaison with ALA ARTS Section I would like to invite those ARLIS members
attending ALA Midwinter Conference in New Orleans to any of the ARTS meeting.
I am forwarding Stephen Bloom's description regarding the intent of these
meetings along with time and location. Hope this peaks your interest.


Paula Epstein, Co-ordinator of Library Outreach
Columbia College, 600 S. Michigan, Chicago, Il 60605-1996
[log in to unmask]
(312) 344-7353  Fax: (312) 663-1707

Subject: New Orleans Conference

Greetings to all.  Sit back.  This is a long one.  Sorry.

I want to let everyone know the latest information on the New Orleans
Conference, and pass on a couple of items of interest which we will
have a chance to talk about during our meetings.

1.  First, here is the meeting schedule.  I've taken the liberty of
annotating the first two section-wide meetings so that some of the
mystique of our precesses can be exposed for newcomers.  What those
annotations really mean is that you are all welcome, and we profit
from your attendance and contributions.

--All Committee Meeting:   Saturday, Jan. 10, 1998
        9:30am - 12:30pm;  Radisson, Grand Ballroom B
This is traditionally our first meeting of the conference.  We meet
briefly together for announcements, and then break into smaller
meetings for each of the committees of the Section, including:
Publications, Membership, Planning, Liaison, Dance Librarians,
Government and Private Sector Activities, Technology and the Arts,
and the Annual Conference Program Planning Committees.  (Forgive me
if I've forgotten anyone.)  The results of these committee meetings
are reported out to the General Membership Meeting on Sunday.  The
All Committees Meeting is a good chance for members who are
interested in working on committees but not yet involved to sit in on
discussions and test the waters.  Our meetings are open, and we
welcome your participation.  This is also a good opportunity to ask
about a committee appointment.

--General Membership Meeting:   Sunday, Jan. 11, 1998
        9:30am - 12:30pm;  Monteleone, Orleans W.
This is, as its name indicates, our  general membership meeting, and
it doubles as an open Executive Committee meeting.  This is where
news of the activities and plans of the committees and Section as a
whole are communicated, and where discussion of issues and decisions
about the activities and direction of the Section are approved and
communicated.  I urge every member who can attend to do so.

--Dance Librarians Discussion Group:   Sunday, Jan. 11, 1998
        2 - 4pm;  Sheraton, Pontchatrain B.

--Film and Broadcast Video Discussion Group:  Monday, Jan. 12, 1998
        2 - 4pm; Monteleone, Cabildo

2.  The Section continues to need entries for our ongoing contest to
design a new logo.  As our newsletter explained, please send them to
ARTS Newsletter Editor Peter McCracken, Joyner Library, East Carolina
University, Greenville, NC  27858.  If you bring them to the
conference, I will make sure they get to him.  We want to have a
winner by the annual conference in Washington.  There will be a
prize.  In fact, we may discuss it at our Membership Meeting in New

3.  ACRL is also running a PR contest.  I have the following from
Mary Ellen Davis at ACRL:
   "Ehter the 'define ACRL' contest.  The ACRL Board wants a good,
pithy slogan that will, in no more than a catchy soundbite, describe
the mission of ACRL.  Nike has 'Just do it.'  Now the Board wants you
to do it for ACRL.  The Board's initial brainstorming session
generated ideas such as:  'Academic Libraries:  where information
becomesknowledge.' 'Helping people transfer information to
knowledge.' 'Building great minds together.'  The Board knows you can
be more creative.  Enter your ideas early and often.  The deadline
for submissions id Frb. 15, 1998.  The winner will receive a
complimentary registration to ACRL's 9th Annual Conference, April
8-11, 1999, in Detroit, as well as three nights lodging in a
conference hotel.  Groups may enter but must designate a single
winner.  Send your entries to ACRL Slogans, 50 East Huron St.,
Chicago, IL  60611, or e-mail to <[log in to unmask]>."

4. I've been notified also that the ACRL Board has again approved a
$15,000 Initiative Fund for the 1998-99 budget.  This is a
competitive grant that provides opportunities for ACRL units to
acquire funding for planning and implementating activities that are
creative or leading edge and that support ACRL's Strategic Plan.  In
addition, the Board has voted to extend the use of initiative Funds
to support partnering activities by Sections with appropriate learned
societies.  I'll have application information at our meetings in New
Orleans.  You might consider some possibilities for the membership's

5.  Finally, I have received materials from ACRL describing the
process for proposing amendments to the Strategic Plan.. I urge you
to re-read the plan, and bring your thoughts to our discussions in
New Orleans.  I will have information on the procedure.

If I can be of service or answer any questions before the conference,
please let me know.  The latest newsletter has my new address here in
Portland, Maine.  My e-mail is:  <[log in to unmask]>.

Enjoy the holiday season,  I hope to see many of you in New Orleans.

Steve Bloom.
Chair, ACRL Arts