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----------------------------Original message----------------------------
"The *Associates of the Boston Public Library*
invite you to attend their annual meeting and program:

Still Controversial After All These Years
The Philip Johnson Addition on its 25th Anniversary
A Panel Discussion

Philip Johnson faced a daunting challenge in designing a new
building to complement the historic McKim building in Copley

[ a ] How well did he do?

[ b.  Would the Deferrari Hall atrium be a more pleasant
      environment if the lighting were more varied? ]

[ c.  How about an orienting building directory to improve
      navigating the building? ]

[ d.  How about asking the architect featured on CNN about
      her new set of standards for public lavatory design
      that encompass a better understanding of ergonomics to
      refit city of Boston Public Library department
      lavatories? ]

[ e.  Check out the 1994 Rizzolli International Publications
      book Philip Johnson, the Architect in His Own Words by
      Hilary Lewis NA737.J6 A35 ]

We've Assembled a lively group of local architects, plus the
building engineer, to discuss the building at age

[ 1 ] William G. Barry, Jr., moderator
[ 2 ] John Doherty [ building engineer ]
[ 3 ] Joan Goody
[ 4 ] Henry Moss [ Bruner-Cott & Associates Inc ]
[ 5 ] Elizabeth Padjen
[ 6 ] William L. Rawn III [ proposed Cambridge Public
                            Library architect ]

Wednesday, December 10, 1997
Mezzanine conference room
Johnson building
Boston Public Library  700 Boylston at Exeter Street

Reception at 5:30pm
Associates' annual meeting at 6:15pm
Program at 6:30 pm

Your membership entitles you to bring two family members to
the annual meeting and program.  If your membership has
lapsed, please renew now and join us on December 20.  We
also encourage you to recruit friends to join the associates
and attend the event.  Call 617-536-3886 for more
[ email: [[[log in to unmask]]] ]

[ City of Boston Public Library department events may be
videotaped ]