

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

                                        Date:     20-Sep-1997 09:47pm EDT
                                        From:     Rose, Jonathan
                                        Dept:     FAC/STAFF
                                        Tel No:   (201)-408-3545

TO: Press SH to view recipients.

Subject: SHARP in Vancouver 1998

                SHARP 1998 VANCOUVER CONFERENCE:

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

        The sixth annual conference of the Society for the History of
Authorship, Reading and Publishing will take place 16-20 July 1998 at
Simon Fraser University's Harbour Centre Campus in the heart of Vancouver,
under the auspices of the Canadian  Centre for Studies in Publishing.  In
the SHARP tradition, we will entertain proposals from researchers
interested in a variety of topics.

        To take advantage of Vancouver's position on the Pacific Rim and
of interests on the west coast of Canada and the US, we would invite those
interested in traditions of the written word in the Pacific Rim and the
Americas; in interactions and boundaries between print and oral culture;
in book arts (text and image); and in books in Ancient, Mediaeval and
Renaissance periods, to submit proposals.  It is not our intention,
however, to limit the breadth of topics addressed, a particular strength
of SHARP conferences in the past.  We welcome suggestions for organized
sessions.  Session submissions should include the session title, paper
titles and abstracts of no more than 150 words for consideration by the
programme committee.  A brief biographical note should accompany the
abstract.  Graduate students may request a subsidy of $250 provided by
SHARP to four (or more if possible) students who require financial

        The Vancouver committee welcomes your participation in planning
the conference; please contact us if you would like to join our planning
group or if you have any suggestions.

        Please submit your abstract for consideration by 31 October 1997
by mail or Email to the attention of Deborah Kirby, Conference Director,
SHARP 98 Conference, c/o Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing, Simon
Fraser University at Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings St, Vancouver, BC
V6B 5K3 Canada.  (Tel: 604 291 5093  Fax: 604 291 5098  Email:
[log in to unmask]  Web:

        [Other lists and publications please copy.]