

----------------------------Original message----------------------------


ITEM (the Image TEchnology in Museums and art galleries knowledge base)
is an international searchable text and image information knowledge base
detailing hypermedia publications and resources, primarily about the visual
arts.  ITEM includes multimedia publications, art gallery and museum image
databases, art auctions, photolibraries and art theft.

ITEM is published by IVAIN (a not for profit organisation), in association
with CIDOC (ICOM).

To celebrate our first nine months on-line we are inviting you to explore
the entire ITEM Web site for nine days for free (access to the whole
knowledgebase and full range of search facilities is usually by
subscription only) - and we would very much appreciate your comments and
suggestions that we can take into account in the further development of

Since the launch of ITEM on the WWW
it has been continuously expanded, updated and optimised for Netscape 3 -
and now for Internet Explorer 3.

Many individual ITEM records now include screenshots to aid evalution and
comparison of titles.  Detailed text and technical information about each
title often includes a hypertext link to a related Web site and there are
comprehensive search facilities.

The site also includes a collection  WWW  links sites likely to be of
interest to ITEM users.

Plans include a Bulletin Board (currently under construction) for the
discussion of issues relating to Heritage, contemporary cultural and the
digital future.

To gain your 9 days free access please complete the on-line feedback form
on the ITEM site and use the 'Your Final Comments' boxto request your
special temporary visitor Username and Password.

This celebration offer is open until 16 September only.

(Apologies for any cross posting)

Jeremy Rees, Director; Sue Hagley, Administrator.
International Visual Arts Information Network (IVAIN)
University College Suffolk
Rope Walk
Suffolk  IP4 1LT, Great Britain

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