----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Please excuse any duplication and forward as appropriate. *** ICHIM 97 *** September 1-5, 1997 *** *** le Musee du Louvre *** Paris, France *** Held by Archives & Museum Informatics, Europe, in partnership with le musee du Louvre, and in association with l'ecole du Louvre, the fourth International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity takes place September 1-5, 1997. Full details for an exciting series of pre-conference workshops are now available on the ICHIM97 Web site . Two days of pre-conference workshops, September 1-2, 1997 offer opportunities for professional development the following areas: September 1, 1997 1. Systematic Design of Hypermedia Applications Franca Garzotto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and Paolo Paolini (University of Lecce, Italy) 2. Looking at new software architectures and their application to digital images. Brieuc Segalen (Directeur de la societe Briq, specialisee en Realite Virtuelle, France) 3. Current State of Museum Information Standards Alain Michard (Aquarelle, France) 4. Issues in Multilingual Terminology Work Theory and Practice Murtha Baca and Pat Young (Getty Information Institute, USA) 5. Copyright and other IPR concerns: What Progress? Jeremy Rees (IVAIN, UK) and Emanuella Giavarra (European Copyright User Platform, ECUP) September 2, 1997 6. Strategies for Museum Multimedia Delivery Peter Samis (SFMOMA, USA), Larry Friedlander (Stanford University, USA) and Xavier Perrot (AMIE, France) 7. Mapping Web Sites Paul Kahn (Dynamic Diagrams, USA) 8. Systematic Evaluation of Hypermedia Applications Franca Garzotto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) and Paolo Paolini (University of Lecce, Italy) 9. Designing for Humans: big and small Slavko Milekic (Hampshire College, USA) 10. Multimedia Tools Katherine Jones Garmil (Peabody Museum, Harvard University, USA) Pre-registration is necessary for all workshops. Please return the registration form, available at: For further information, and full program details, visit the conference web site, or contact Archives & Museum Informatics at [log in to unmask] See you in Paris! jt -------- J. Trant [log in to unmask] Partner and Principal Consultant www.archimuse.com Archives & Museums Informatics 5501 Walnut St., Suite 203 ph. + 1-412-683-9775 Pittsburgh, PA USA 15232 fax + 1-412-683-7366 --------