

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        "Atlal: The Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology"
has resumed publication after a 6-year hiatus.  Vol. 14 (1996) is now
in hand.  This issue has 137 pp. of English text, 106 pp. Arabic text,
and 54 plates.  Contents include:

* excavation reports from sites at Tayma, al-Hijr/Madain Saleh,
   and Hazem Agilan (al-Kharj Oasis);
* reports on the progress of comprehensive surveys of rock art
   and epigraphy in the Kingdom; the epigraphic survey covers both
   pre-Islamic (Nabataean, Thamudic etc.) and Islamic inscriptions;
* an article reviewing and updating E.Anati's work on the rock art
   of central Arabia;
* an article on the typology, evolution and development of funerary
   structures in Saudi Arabia, from the Neolithic period to the
   rise of Islam;
* an article on the domestication of camels and inland trade
   routes in Arabia;
* notices of news and events, including the opening of six new
   regional museums.

Atlal (ISSN 0256-4009) is published by the

Assistant Deputy Ministry for Antiquities and Museums
Post Office Box 3734
Riyadh 11481
Saudi Arabia
Telex 402650 ARCHEO SJ