

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Twice a year, ARLIS/NA headquarters staff reports in =5FUpdate=5F and on
ARLIS-L its staff member (short) job descriptions along with contact
information for the staff:

Penney De Pas, CAE, Executive Director (ext. 221) e-mail: or
        liaison with Executive Board, committee chairs, and groups
(sections/divisions/round-tables)=3B oversight responsibilities for =
management, board meetings, non-conference publicity, and strategic
planning=3B production manager for publications (Art Documentation, ARLIS/NA
Update, and Occasional Papers)=3B supervision of conference planning,
membership, and headquarters operations.

Susan Kruse, Associate Executive Director and Conference Manager (ext. 234)
e-mail: or
        liaison with Conference Planning Committee=3B oversight for hotel
selection and contract negotiation, conference registration and publicity,
and conference financial management=3B production manager for conference
registration and printed materials=3B exhibits coordinator=3B maintenance of
job registry and management of classified advertising.

Shera Hube, Membership Director (ext. 228) e-mail:
        liaison with Membership Committee=3B maintenance and updating of
membership, donor, and subscriber records=3B processing of prospective and
new member information=3B coordination of membership renewal mailings=3B and
liaison with chapters.

Amanda Davis, Support Staff (ext. 202) e-mail:
        fulfillment of mailing label sales=3B processing of conference
registrations and registration packets=3B routing of mail to volunteer
leaders, fulfillment of requests for Federal Tax Identification Number,
career information, publication orders and claims=3B maintenance of
publications inventory=3B and other miscellaneous requests.