

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

        I received a call today from Laurie Wohl, a Chicago educator who has just
returned from South Africa.  She was teaching art at a community college in
Orlando (outside of Johannesburg).  The college is struggling to establish
an art library, and Laurie would like to arrange shipments of donated
materials from libraries in the Chicago area.  She's fairly confident of
gaining corporate sponsorship to pay for the shipping from Chicago to South
Africa  --  that's in the works.  If you have suitable materials that can
be donated, please contact Laurie at 773-924-5597.

        For those outside the Chicago area who wish to make an independent
donation, mark your shipments clearly "FOR THE ART LIBRARY" (cover letter
should mention Laurie) and send them to:

P.O. Box 359
Orlando 1804  [Johannesburg]
South Africa

        The name of the college, FUNDA, means "to learn."

Claire Eike, Director                           312-899-5097 voice
John M. Flaxman Library
School of the Art Institute of Chicago  312-899-1465 fax
37 South Wabash
Chicago, IL  60603                      [log in to unmask]