----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ------------------ Art Documentation Vol. 16 =231, the first of two issues in 1997, has been mailed to members and subscribers. Issues going to addresses within the United States were delivered to the mailhouse last week and sent via bulk mail from the post office this week (first class to those who paid extra for that service). Issues going to addresses outside the U.S. were mailed surface (or airmail for those who pay extra for that service) directly from our office last week. The June issue of Update, the second of 1997, has just been sent to the printer and should be mailed out during the first week in June, barring any unforeseen occurrences. The ARLIS/NA staff is busy compiling the 1997-98 Handbook and List of Members. June 10 is the deadline for headquarters to receive any changes to your address listing in the Handbook. Happy reading=21 --Penney De Pas, CAE Executive Director ARLIS/NA