----------------------------Original message---------------------------- We have one chained book--our criss-cross [it's a long story]. It is in a periodical binder that locks, then that is on a wire tied to a table. It is the periodical binder that makes the whole thing work. According to Rene D. Shoemaker: . . ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- . For books in exhibitions, I have used Velcro on a case or notebook the materi . was in, and I have used fishing line wrapped through the spine of the book a . hanging from a hook at the top of the wall. Theft is not a large problem her . so I was mostly looking for a way to keep the books in the correct place. . . Rene D. Shoemaker, MLIS e-mail [log in to unmask] Matthew Gilmore [log in to unmask] D.C. Public Library---1896-1997: 101 Years of Service Washingtoniana Division 202.727.1213 ________Celebrating the Bicentennial of the District of Columbia________ 1791-2002 * * *