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From:   INTERNET:[log in to unmask], INTERNET:[log in to unmask]
To:     Library and Information Technology Association List, INTERNET:[log in to unmask]

Date:   5/5/97 12:55 PM

RE:     ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries

                          ACM DL '97
    2nd ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries
                     PRELIMINARY PROGRAM
                       JULY 23-26, 1997

     ACM DL '97 will immediately precede SIGIR '97 in
  Philadelphia.  The ACM DL series is sponsored by ACM through
                    SIGIR and SIGLINK.

                          ACM DL '97

     ACM Digital Libraries is an international conference
  which is building a community of individuals from diverse
  fields to study research and development in digital
  libraries.  The collection, access and use of electronic
  libraries.  The collection, access and use of electronic
  information in a variety of formats requires solutions to
  problems ranging from the technical to the social,
  incorporating knowledge and experience from many fields.
  Individuals with an interest in library and information
  science, digital information technology, education,
  information policy and economics, information seeking
  behavior and other fields contributing to digital library
  development are invited to attend.


  Wednesday    *    Tutorials
               *    Opening reception
  Thursday     *    Keynote address by Jim Reimer, IBM Senior
                      Technical Staff Member
               *    Technical sessions
               *    Panel on museum and gallery applications of
                      digital libraries
               *    D-Lib panel on interoperability
               *    Banquet cruise
  Friday       *    Plenary address by Pamela Samuelson, U. of
                      California Berkeley
               *    Technical sessions
               *    D-Lib panel on interoperability
               *    Poster and demonstration showcase and
  Saturday     *    Technical sessions
               *    Workshops
  Sunday       *    Tour to Brandywine Valley

                       STEERING COMMITTEE

              Edward Fox (Chair), Virginia Tech
                  Robert B. Allen, Bellcore
                      William Arms, CNRI
             Nicholas Belkin, Rutgers University
             Richard Furuta, Texas A&M University
           Gary Marchionini, University of Maryland
           Edie Rasmussen, University of Pittsburgh

  Conference information is available from the DL'97 website
                        or via email:
                    [log in to unmask]
