

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I hate to ask what I *know* is a FAQ, but...

A good friend of mine is considering going to library school. She's
looking at the University of Maryland, College Park. So,
specifically, she wants to know if their MLS program has any art
librarianship courses, or if one can get a second masters in art
history concurrently. If anyone knows, please e-mail me.

I went to the ARLIS/NA homepage first, and I searched the ARLIS-L
archives via the web form, and could not find this information. Since
the topic of MLS programs offering art librarianship components comes
up frequently, I would like to know if anyone is planning on adding
this information to the ARLIS/NA page. I think it would be a terrific

Thanks so much,
--Kay Teel
  Bobst Library, New York University
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