

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

Any of you who have a little flexibility in your travel plans may want to
consider visiting the Chinati Foundation in Marfa.  It is located in another
part of Texas, about 8 hours away, but for many of us San Antonio may be as
close as we get for some time.  Ilya Kabakov, among many others, has an
installation there.  Of course, all the Donald Judd works.  Here is the url
-- you can also get there from the Dia page:


Peter Blank

PS:  I was serious in my request for rooming options.  If anyone has a
double or a triple and needs a roomie, I will be at conference from Thurs.
evening till Wed. afternoon.  Please contact me off list.  Those of you who
offered to share the single I have reserved,...I am flattered by your
various interests.
Peter P. Blank                         102 Cummings Art Bldg.
Librarian                              Stanford, CA 94305-2018
Art & Architecture Library             415-725-1038
Stanford University                    fax 415-725-0140
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