

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We are investigating the possibility of offering our students a
colour printing service from our CD-ROMs.
But because of the variety of CDs we have, each with different
printing requirements, this is proving dificult. For example, the
Trinity Apocalypse disc has images too big to fit on a single disc.
And images from National Gallery cannot be downloaded, but must be
sent directly to the printer.
We wondered if anyone offers such a service, and if so if we could
have a few details:
What kind of printer do you have? How much memory does it have (and
is this adequate for the discs you have)? and what is its resolution?
How is it connected? (directly to the pc with the CD-ROM drive, or do
students download their images onto a disc and print them at a
separate print station?)
Any other comments or suggestions would be gratefully received.

Thank you.

Andrew Logie
Assistant Librarian
Fine Arts Library
University of Auckland

Tel 64-9-3737599 x8078
Fax 64-9-3737041

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