

----------------------------Original message----------------------------


there were "45" RESPONSES  not 42.  Sorry! Everything  else is OK

I do apologise for taking so long to supply the results of the survey.

Many well known CDRom users did not reply which why I made three announcements
on ARLIS-L.  Just hoping to get more replies.  Hence the delay.  For those who
did take the trouble to reply, thank you.

Few though the respondees were, I hope that publishers will take note of the
results, especially some ofthe comments.

TOTAL RESPONSES  ............  45

In answer to question 1. What systems....

39 used PC systems
23 used Mac systems.  of these
17 used both PC and Mac systems
2 also had access to UNIX

only 6 out of 45 could not use PC format CDs, compared to
    23 out of 45 who could not use Mac.

Everyone who replied had CD drives, although one wasn't sure.

39 could read PC format CDs and 1 wasn't sure.

38 could display image files in ".jpeg" format
plus 5 who weren't sure.

Of those who could, several had other preferences.
gif 2           pif 1
cmp 1           bmp 2
photoCD 1       not sure 3

Of those who could not, 2 could read text only and 1 could use bmp.

Question 6. brought the following comments.

"I only use to show CDRoms and PhotoCDs. Not very much"
"looks as if I have a lot to learn"
"...easier to network PC than Mac CDs"
"prefer on-line to CD"
"I don't know which format, I just use whatever comes on the CD"
" obsolescence. I hate 3 year old CDs that can't be use=
"I think Mac is doomed...future models incompatible with current"
"little interest by curators"
"minimum installation on HD, everything on CD"
"still looking for that single-user interface. At present it's like every o=
book is in a different language"
"We hope to add a CDRom in the next couple of years, if budgets allow"
"suggest a survey looking at most popular CDs and why"
"like to see comparison of CD price indexes"
"paintshop seems to handle everything"

Our first CDRom title, FASHION UPDATE, will have image files in ".jpeg" for=
which should please most respondees. Unfortunately, publication has been de=
until 1997.

Please note, that the $dollar price for all our titles is unchanged.  We wo=
them out at $1.52 to =A31.

Jim Emmett
Emmett Publishing Ltd