

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have a faculty member who is looking for a good book for her students on
the subject of "art and technology."  While her exact idea has been hard
to pin down, I think she's looking for something similar to Sven Birkerts'
*Gutenberg Elegies:  The fate of reading in an electronic age*--inserting
"art" for "reading" in the subtitle.

Is anyone aware of a book (even an essay!) that might be good?  My
database searches have yet to turn up anything really promising.

Thank you for any suggestions.

Kate Borowske
        Kate Borowske                             Bush Library
        Reference Librarian/Graduate School       Hamline University
        [log in to unmask]                  1536 Hewitt Ave.
        phone:   612-641-2442                     St. Paul, MN   55104
        fax:  612-641-2199