

Try to find some information on URBADISC.
Unfortunately, I have no time to help you right now. Some French people
should be able to help you.

Kjersti L.

>We are using in our libray: The Sage Urban Studies Abstracts.
>                         and,  Journal of planning literature.
>for Town Planning subjects, Is there any CD ROM to substitute these
>papaer journals?  (We  Have already the Avery, and APID)
>Thanks in advance, for any idea,
>Michaela Zonnenshain
>Architecture and Town Planning Library
>Technion I.I.T
>Haifa 32000
Kjersti Lie
Academic librarian (architect)
The Technical University Library of Norway
Branch Library of Architecture/Civil Engineering/Math. Sciences
N - 7034  Trondheim - NTH

Phone: +47 73 59 51 60
Fax:      + 47 73 59 88 10