

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Helloo learned colleagues out there!
Norway calling!

Do you have any information on the Mexican architect JUAN GIL ELIZANDO?
Our patron says he has won a prize for one of his projects this year or in 1995.

I have found an architect called ELIZONDO, but he was not the right man for
our patron.

I have tried ICONDA and APId and the guide- and architecture books that we
have on Mexico. No luck!

Hoping to hear from one or more of you soon!

Kjersti :-]

Kjersti Lie
Academic librarian (architect)
The Technical University Library of Norway
Branch Library of Architecture/Civil Engineering/Math. Sciences
N - 7034  Trondheim - NTH

Phone: +47 73 59 51 60
Fax:      + 47 73 59 88 10