

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This month marks the 1st anniversary of the ARLIS/NA Web Site.  In the
coming month, we will  update and revamp different pages in the site,
including the popular web links section,   to be renamed, "The ARLIS/NA
Guide to the World Wide Web".

During May, the ARLIS site recorded about 800 visits.  Now  we are up to
approximately 2,000 visits per month.  We hope that the 'traffic' indicates
that the site is of growing value.  Your comments about how it can be
developed are much desired.

New to the site  this week  is the home page of the ARLIS/NA Cataloging Section.
The page can be found at the following places on the ARLIS web site:
        "Divisions, Sections, Round Tables" page:
        "Cataloging Tools and Resource"s page:

Thanks, Ed Teague, Webmaster
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