

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We had originally removed the CD Roms from the Powermacs (didnt
want to have to supervise them) and use At Ease to lock the desktop.

However, with no warning one of our freshman classes decided they
were going to use CD's and hand them out to the students telling them
they could use our facility to do thier homework.  We recd a call late last
week stating that they needed to use this "NOW".

I can get the CD to run under At Ease with no problem.  However,
because the CD writes a file to the desktop, where the student currently
is in thier homework and what was completed.  The students need to
keep this file with them to do thier homework.

Is there a program out there that will make it so the students have to login
to the network to run any programs, not allow them to put programs on
the computer and yet can get thier files from the desktop.  At Ease was
doing great until this new problem came up.

What are other labs with CD players doing.  Any ideas or suggestions
welcome.  We are an unsupervised lab open 24hrs a day (yes that does
create more problems).  I have TA's that work different shifts and I'm in
and out of there during the work day but alot of things happen to our
computers at 2:00am, when noone is there.


There is too much blood in my caffeine system.

Candy Lappen              [log in to unmask]
UC Berkeley
College of Chemistry

All opinions expressed are my own and in now way can be considered
actual ideas.