

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

          Rhode Island School of Design Library is offering the
          following issues of Domus :

              # 484, # 611-12; # 634; # 656; # 662

          issues of Du :

               # 432-36; # 438-40; # 442

          issues of Pencil Points :

               Aug. 1941; June-Nov. 1942; Jan., Mar. July, Sept., Nov.
               1943; Jan.-Feb., May-June 1944; May, Sept.-Dec. 1946

          If your library needs any of the above issues, please
          contact me and I would be happy to mail them out to you.

          Also, the  RISD Library is missing # 546, 1986; # 565, 1988;

          # 590, 1990; # 611, 1992; # 615, 1992 of Du.

          Can someone help us out on our gaps of Du? We would
          appreciate all donations.


          Stephen McCaughey
          Circulation Supervisor/Serials
          [log in to unmask]