

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Re: CONFU guidlines:

Gregg Most replied to my earlier post:

>Snide remarks aside, the end result of the CONFU process will be that no
>one will be completely happy.  What will happen is that image curators,
>educators, institutions, and students will have a better idea of what is
>and is not permissible.  Rights holders will have more control over those
>images in their purview...

Okay, it was a cheap shot for which I apologize, but I feel (if the
previous medical metaphor may be extended) that the VR community is being
told to swallow this medicine, like it or not.  The prescriptive steps
for permissions-seeking as currently recommended (July 1 draft) are
virtually unbearable to the point of making the cure worse than the disease.

This is not meant as a criticism of Gregg Most or any of the other VR
professionals who have participated in the CONFU deliberations, who have
worked long and hard facing the aggressive advocacy of content providers,
and who now get slings and arrows from grouchy image users like me.
I agree with Gregg that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that
an equitable understanding must be reached among rights holders and image
users.  But not on these terms.  I look forward to further revisions.

Ben Kessler
Princeton University