

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Snide remarks aside, the end result of the CONFU process will be that no
one will be completely happy.  What will happen is that image curators,
educators, institutions, and students will have a better idea of what is
and is not permissible.  Rights holders will have more control over those
images in their purview.

I have said this before, and once more here it is.  Most people who claim
fair use have not actually read the section on fair use in the Copyright
Act.   Check it out, make sure you and your institution are playing by the
rules.  The climate is ripe for considerable litigation by Rights holders,
many of whom are forming consortiums, against individuals and
institutions who use their images without permission.  A dangerous side
to this are rights holding image collections.. museums, collectors, etc.
who will be less willing to let their collection be used because of past

With all this talk of the freedom of information and ideas in the electronic
age we have to realize that there is no free lunch.. or perhaps there will
no longer be a free lunch.  Compensation for intellectual property and
images will be a hot topic in the next decade.

At the last CONFU meeting, there was considerable discussion regarding
the July 1 draft.  It still undergoing revision.  As a final note, please do not
slay the messenger.  I am not there by choice, but by duty to the Society.
No one else would do it, I was asked, and I said yes.  While I find the
process and discussion interesting, I have many other things, including
my job, that are more pressing.