

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

It is the beginning of the Australian government financial year and
we are again facing hefty cuts to our acquisitions votes.

I have two questions to which I would be most grateful to receive

1.  Does anyone have figures for book/serial price increases in the
    fine arts and related fields since 1990?

2.  Would anyone be prepared to let me have the [very broad] figures
    for their acquisitions votes eg monographs/serials/a-v materials.
    I am particularly interested in other museum libraries but any
    specialist art library figures would be welcome.

Please send the information to me at:

    [log in to unmask]

I will summarise the information for the list.

Please let me know if you would prefer not to have your figures included
in the summary.

Many thanks from a VERY cold "down under" [the cat's water froze on the

Margaret Shaw
Chief Librarian
National Gallery of Australia

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fax: 61-6-273 2155

GPO Box 1150, Canberra, ACT 2601