

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi all

CD Survey -

After the initial flurry of replies, input has almost died away and we don't yet
have a significant sample.

As several respondents have enthused, this survey, when the returns are analysed
could recommend certain standards of hardware and software to both librarians
and publishers.  No mean achievement when you consider the plethora of standards
(and problems) out there.

We think this survey could really be worthwhile so for those who haven't replied


1  What system do you use?                      PC

2  Do you have a CD drive?                      .....

3  Can you read PC format CDs                   .....

4  Can your system display image
   files in ".jpeg" format?                     .....

5  If not ".jpeg" what is your
   preferred image format? eg. "bmp"            .......................

6  Have you any questions of comments           .......................

Jim Emmett

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