

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From: AXPVMS::HALLOCK      "Nancy L. Hallock" 24-JUN-1996 13:39:20.19
To: IN%"[log in to unmask]",IN%"[log in to unmask]",IN%"[log in to unmask]
Subj: Request for fundraising info

The University of Pittsburgh Library System is undergoing a strategic
planning process and requests information on "Best Practices" concerning
development of "Specialized Collections" in a research library.
Specialized Collections have been defined as those collections which,
by virture of their uniqueness, comprehensiveness, or format, make an
outstanding contribution to the library as a whole.  These collections can
be, but are not limited to those items normally considered to be Special
Collections, but can also be Area studies collections, electronic text,
microfilm collections, etc.

We are looking to find "best practices" in the area of development for
these collections, but we are also interested to hear if many libraries
are NOT involved currently in development.  If you are able to assist us by
supplying the information requested we will be most appreciative.
If you wish to keep your responses confidential, you may
respond in writing to the address below.  Please respond via email
directly to the address below as well, NOT to the list.

1]  Describe your library's development efforts for specialized collections
in regards to the following:

 Gift and exchange programs
 Capital Campaigns
 Donor relations
 Friends Groups

a.  What relationship exists between the library and the University
Development Office?  Is there a library development officer or liaison to the
Development Office?  If so, is this person responsible to the library, the
Development Office, or both?

b.  Are there monies available from existing endowments or dedicated funds
for the maintenance or support of specialized collections?
(e.g. cataloging, digitizing, etc.)  Are such provisions for support actively
sought as a part of development efforts?

2]  What measures or indicators do you use to assess the scholarly impact
or importance of the collections?  (e.g. published articles, books, chapters,
dissertations, etc. by collection users)

3]  How are these collections promoted?

4]  Have you been under pressure to offer collections for sale?  If so,
how have you identified these collections and potential buyers?

5]  Describe any reciprocal agreements, partnerships, etc. with cosortia,
local or sister institututions that augment the purchase of specialized

Many thanks for your participation.

Caroline Tibbetts, Head   Phone:  412-648-7575
GSPIA/ECONOMICS Library          Fax:    412-648-7569
1G12 Forbes Quad   E-mail: [log in to unmask]
University of Pittsburgh  ********************
Pittsburgh, PA 15260   ********************