

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Please let me know if you would like the following magazine issues;
I would have to charge postage, but otherwise they are yours for
the asking.

GAMUT #5-7 (1982) bound in brown

HELICON NINE # 1-5 (1979-81) and # 6-9 (1982-83) bound in lt blue
             # 10-18 (1984-87) unbound

PRINTING PAPER V. 63 #1-4 (1977) biund in lime green
               V. 64 #1,2,4; V. 65 # 2-4; V. 66 # 1-4; V. 67 # 1-4
               V. 68 #1-2 (1978-1982) unbound

TECHNOLOGY & CONSERVATION 1977 # 1-4 bound in blue
                          1978 # 1-4  "
                          1979/80 # 1-4 "

                          UNBOUND issues: 3/76, 1-4/81, 2-4/83
                                          1-2/85,  3-4/88, 1/89

URBAN ANTHROPOLOGY  V. 7 (1978), 8 (1979), & 9 (1980) bound in lt blue
                    V. 10 #1-4 (1981) & V. 11 #1-2(1982) unbound

ART DIRECTION V. 22 (1970/71), V. 23 (1971/72) V. 24 (1972/73) and
        V. 30 (1978/89) bound in lime green

                UNBOUND issues: V. 25 # 10-12
                                V. 26 # 1-2, 4-12
                                V. 27 # 2-12
                                V. 28 # 1-6,8
                                V. 29 # 1-3, 5-12
                                V. 31 # 1-4, 6-8, 10-12

All are withdrawn from our collection and so bear the markings
of  a shelf life here;  sorry about the variable information--
am working for different lists.  Am hoping these issues too can
find a happy home.  If interested, please respond directly to
me.  Thanks, Cris

Cristine C. Rom, Library Director, Cleveland Institute of Art
11141 East Blvd., Cleveland OH 44106
[log in to unmask] (216) 421-7440; 421-7439 (fax)
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