

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Please do not respond to this message.  Registration information appears at
the end of this posting.
The Association of Research Libraries/Office of Management Services
announces leadership and staff development programs available during Fall 1996

Facilitation Skills Institute -- Sept. 11-13, Baltimore, MD
Participants will learn how to become skilled facilitators who can assume
key roles within their work units and other groups to assist in producing
better quality team/group results.  Topics will include: skills for
effective facilitation; group dynamics and group process; facilitative vs.
controllin leadership; managing meetings; dealing with difficult behaviors
in groups; and problem-solving and decision-making methods.  Each
participant will have an opportunity to practice facilitation skills.
FEE  ARL member library staff: $350; Non-ARL library staff: $420

Library Management Skills Institute I: the Manager -- Oct. 1- 4, Evanston, IL
This Institute will explore and develop a range of concepts and techniques
associated with effective management and leadership so that the individual
will broaden his/her ability to function and to contribute to the
organization.  The focus will be on the individual and the individual's
relationship to the library organization as a whole, including
relationships to peers, direct reports, and supervisors.  Through feedback
tools and learning experiences, participants will have an opportunity to
reflect on their current approach to managerial and leadership
responsibilities.  This is a time-tested, strongly recommended institute
for any individuals having or moving into managerial and leadership roles.
FEE ARL member library staff: $490; Non-ARL library staff: $550

Facilitating Change: the Internal Consultant -- Oct. 21-23, Kansas City, MO
Management and staff in libraries will be increasingly expected to function
as change facilitators within their organizations.  Participants will
examine the basics of organizational development; the methods and
strategies of facilitating meaningful and successfully implemented change;
the dynamics of organizational change; and the importance of transitions.
Ample opportunity will be devoted to skill practice and the application of
concepts to participants' own work.
FEE  ARL member library staff: $350; Non-ARL library staff: $420

Library Management Skills Institute II: the Management Process -- Nov. 4-8,
Washington D.C.
This intensive 5-day program will use a simulated library workplace, in the
framwork of a learning organization model, to focus on the individual's
ability to have a positive influence on the overall performance of the
organization.  Emphasis will be placed on building and maintaining
proficiency in the skills of observation, diagnosis, and planning so that
participants will become more effective in solving organizational problems
and in recognizing organizational opportunities.
FEE  ARL member library staff: $695; Non-ARL library staff: $745

Women in Library Leadership -- Nov. 19-21, Safety Harbor, FL
Does the "glass ceiling" research apply to libraries?  Are there
differences in the ways in which men and women lead?  In this special 3 1/2
day institute, participants will examine these questions; identify key
skills for effective leadership in the diverse workplace; explore personal
values and how they fit into the workplace; assess developmental needs; and
explore and develop strategies for enhancing personal and professional
lives through understanding life/work balance behaviors.
FEE  ARL-member library staff: $490; Non-ARL library staff: $550

Please contact:  Christine Seebold
OMS Training Program Assistant
21 Dupont Circle, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 296-8656
FAX: (202) 872-0884
EMAIL:  [log in to unmask]

<>  Go to Training and Organizational Development pages
for registration form.

The above programs are also available as sponsored events in which one
library or a group of libraries can contract for the desired event at lower
cost.  Contact Christine Seebold for further information on Sponsored