

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

Kim (and others),

        After years of laborious book selection for Mexico (and Latin
America) the Goldwater Library has begun an approval plan with its
longstanding Mexican vendor Puvill Libros. Since books come and go so
quickly there, and the former quitetude in art publication has blossomed
into quite a publication industry (and reappear without warning after
years of silence) it was better to put it in the hands of Carmen Garcia
Moreno there, who had been supplying titles on demand for us for several
years and has perforce a good idea of what material is appropriate to
this library. Returns can be accomplished through their U.S.
representative, Dror Faust.
        While we have other "national vendors" we haven't invested in an
approval plan with any of them (Any ideas, ARLIS-Lers?)

--------------------------------  ROSS DAY  ---------------------------------
Associate Museum Librarian                      Treasurer
The Robert Goldwater Library                    ARLIS/NA
The Metropolitan Museum of Art                  212 570-3707 // fax 2125703879

On Tue, 18 Jun 1996, Kim Hale x5355 wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> We are considering setting up approval plans for Spanish, Mexican and
> Latin American materials.  Our interests are fairly specific, primarily in
> the visual and performing arts, contemporary history and literature.  I am
> interested in finding out what vendors are in use, and your opinions about
> their service.  Thanks!
> Kimberly Hale, Acquisitions Librarian/Coordinator of Collection Development
> Columbia College Library
> 624 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60605
> (312) 663-1600, x5355 (voice)  (312) 663-1707 (fax)