

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have had several requests on how to reset your distribution options for
the list.  I am copying the information file describing these options
below. For the "set" command the syntax is ...set listname option - eg.
set arlis-l nomail

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Also, if your address has
changed and you are having trouble setting your options, let me know and I
can get your address corrected from here.



SUBscribe    listname <full_name>              Subscribe to a list, or change
                                               your name if already subscribed

SIGNOFF                                        Remove yourself:
             listname                          - From the specified list
             *                                 - From all lists on that server
             * (NETWIDE                        - From all lists in the network

SET          listname options                  Alter your subscription options:
             ACK/NOACK/MSGack                  -> Acknowledgements for postings
             CONCEAL/NOCONCEAL                 -> Hide yourself from REVIEW
             Files/NOFiles                     -> Toggle receipt of non-mail
                                                  files from the list
             Mail/NOMail                       -> Toggle receipt of mail
             DIGests/INDex/NODIGests/NOINDex   -> Ask for digests or message
                                                  indexes rather than getting
                                                  messages as they are posted
             REPro/NOREPro                     -> Copy of your own postings?
             TOPICS: ALL                       -> Select topics you are
                     <+/->topicname               subscribed to (add/remove
                                                  one or replace entire list)

Options for mail headers of incoming postings (choose one):
             FULLhdr or FULL822                -> "Full" mail headers
             IETFhdr                           -> Internet-style headers
             SHORThdr or SHORT822              -> Short (default) headers
             DUALhdr                           -> Dual headers, useful with PC
                                                  or Mac mail programs