

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Winterthur Library.  Assistant Librarian, Visual Resources.  Two-
year position with possibility of third-year opportunity.
Responsibilities: Current and retrospective cataloging of
photograph collection items in MARC format on RLIN.  Create finding
aids in word processing and database formats.  Participate in
establishing preservation conscious procedures for storage and
handling of collection items.  Some reference duties.  Select
limited cataloging for Printed Book and Periodical Collection on
RLIN.  Requirements: MLS and professional cataloging experience or
advanced coursework in cataloging to include visual materials.  A
sound knowledge of library computer applications required.  A
strong background in American history or art history highly
desirable.  Please send resume to: Human Resources Division,
Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library, Winterthur, DE 19735.
Winterthur is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  The deadline date for
applications is June 14, 1996.