

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

Interested readers of this list in the NY Metropolitan region are invited
to attend the following demonstration:


"Documents for the History of Collecting"
The Provenance Index of the Getty Provenance Documentation Collaborative

Demonstration of the CD-ROM
Thursday, May 16, 1996, at 11:00 a.m.
at the Frick Art Reference Library, 10 East 71st Street, New York

The demo is free.
Please call Inge Reist at the library to RSVP (212 288-8700, extension 431)

As a member of the Getty Provenance Documentation Collaborative, the
Frick Art Reference Library is pleased to welcome Burton Fredericksen,
Director of the Collaborative, to present a demonstration of the use an
myriad potential research applications of the databases produced by the

The Provenance Index began in 1974 at the J. Paul Getty Museum as an
index to paintings listed in British nineteenth-century sales catalogs
and to the provenance of paintings in American and British museums.  As
part of the Getty Art History Information Program, the index grew to
encompass databases including documentation on paintings in additional
countries.  The Collaborative now consists of 16 participating
institutions in the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium,
Spain, Italy, and Russia.

posted by:
Deborah Kempe
Chief, Collections Management and Access
Frick Art Reference Library
10 East 71st Street
New York, NY 10021-4967
ph: 212 288-8700,x483  fax: 212 879-2091  email: [log in to unmask]