

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Just before the Miami conference, I posted a query regarding electronic
reference.  I've heard from a few people, but believe that others may
have missed the posting.

I am considering proposing a session on electronic reference service for
San Antonio, and am interested in hearing from ARLIS members who
provide such service to their patrons.  At the National Museum of
American Art, I receive 300-500 electronic queries/month via the
museum's site on America Online, as well as the Web site.  Responses
are sent by e-mail and reference print and electronic resources. I am
interested in exploring the role of the reference librarian in the electronic
environment and the ways in which art librarians  in museum, public, and
academic libraries are adjusting their services to accomodate an
ever-more computer-literate public.  I am interested in hearing from any
ARLIS members who are involved with similar services or have thoughts
on the changing nature of reference work.

Joan Stahl
National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
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